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More than Artificial Intelligence.
Actionable Insights.

If you can’t understand why a machine learning model delivers a certain prediction, how can you be completely confident about the decisions you make using that information?

With explainable machine learning from InRule Technology, understand the factors behind a prediction.

Every prediction. Every time.


Traditional machine learning (ML) platforms only deliver a prediction and confidence score. InRule’s predictions with the why® provide the detailed factors behind every single prediction. Analytics and business teams can quickly, effectively and easily utilize machine learning with an easy-to-use workbench and explainable outputs – all without code.    

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Capture the Customer Moment

Companies with disruptive, customer-focused tech strategies outperform their industries by 300% to 400%. Our dynamic predictive segmentation helps deliver differentiated customer experiences.

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Segment Based on Intent and Action

Our predictive technology clusters and segments based on an action, outcome or other meaningful business objective – not just descriptive statistics.

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Decrease Risk and Improve Transparency

Legislation calls for greater transparency in AI-enabled applications. InRule explains the reason behind every prediction. We understand that security is paramount; our platform is SOC 2 and HIPAA compliant. Learn more

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Deliver Contextual Relevance in Every Interaction

Precisely forecast the best fit, next offer, ideal recommendation or identify ripples in micro-markets and quickly adapt – without sifting through code.

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Don’t Let Bias Harm your Brand, Your Business, or Your Customers

As you work to employ AI across all aspects of your digital transformation strategy, the sneaky ways harmful bias can creep into models should be enough to worry anyone – not just those in charge of risk and ethics.

True, not all bias is harmful. But if you’re not using technology that has built in tools to help you detect bias, then how do you know what impact harmful bias may have on your business?

Explainable ML from InRule Technology has built-in bias detection features designed to help enterprises quantify and mitigate potential hazards.

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“InRule is a great product. It’s a great relief to create and deploy automations without doing any complex programming.”

Mehmet Baserdem, Product Lead, Veripark


Open the Black Box Behind Predictions

Predictions with the why® enable SMEs to apply models more effectively with the capability to trace negative and positive outcomes to their sources. Unlike traditional ML platforms which only deliver predictions and confidence scores, InRule Machine Learning reveals how each input factor was weighed for every prediction.

Through explainable ML, users receive ongoing intelligence to keep current models functioning well, and create new ones that function better and deliver enhanced insights over time.

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IT professionals

Achieve Fairness Through Awareness

Unwanted biases can creep into ML models in unexpected ways, even from unintended human influences. InRule offers the industry’s best defense against harmful biases, and any negative consequences for customers or brands.

Public sector agencies, insurance companies, mortgage lenders and other highly regulated organizations can ensure compliance with fairness laws and regulations. Business users can deploy and update models with confidence. Watch Our Webinar on Bias Detection


Gain a Better Vantage of Big Data

The vast amount of incoming data across channels, platforms and devices has far surpassed the capacity of humans to properly comprehend it. InRule Machine Learning enables data scientists and SMEs to gain meaningful insights from mass data sets through semi-supervised clustering analysis.

Clustering algorithms group inputs by specified similarities, yielding new views to connections across oceans of metrics. InRule Machine Learning clusters the local feature importance of individual queries to deliver unparalleled insight into the behavior of a model.

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No-Code Modeling

Unleash SMEs While Unburdening IT

Realizing the full power of ML, and the wholistic spectrum of AI, means democratizing its capability across teams and organizations. The InRule AI Decisioning Platform empowers subject matter experts with a unique set of dynamic automation tools to predict, decide and process better, faster, accurately at mass, all without code.

AutoML and other no-code tools enable data scientists and business users to author, test, deploy and manage ML models with ease and without IT assistance.

Learn about our pricing options


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