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Blog posts tagged:

Business Rules

No Values: Much Ado About Nothing

In computer terms, what is nothing, and why should you care? Even for rule authors with a development background, a quick review of how InRule handles “nothing” values can be useful for those occasions when you need to know if you have a value. In this post, I’ll...

InRule for Microsoft Dynamics for Patient Case Management

I don't particularly enjoy going to the doctor. As a healthy individual, I generally find it to be a waste of time and money. Yes, I realize how privileged I am to be able to make that statement. But hear me out. I go to a hospital, which is already on the list of my...

Using User Defined Functions Felicitously

Like many InRule users, my background is in software development. As a result, I often find myself taking whatever means I can to bypass low-code tools: When I need to make changes to a WordPress website, I inevitably become annoyed at the rich text editor and end up...

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