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Blog posts tagged:

Business Rules

Updating Rule Applications in Code using irSDK

Warning: As with the previous posts about Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, this post is intended for a technical/developer audience. Background A while back, I started a series about CI/CD with a pair of blog posts that walk through examples of ways to...

Good Beginnings: Operationalizing Machine Learning Models

Many customers are actively exploring machine learning (ML) and are asking for some simple recipes that can get them going quickly before they make a deeper plunge. That said, here are some of the high-level areas for your planning that will make a difference. Spend...

Rule Application Patterns: Vocabulary & Independent Rule Sets

A couple years ago I wrote a blog post that highlighted an excellent irAuthor method which adds a member to a collection of messages in a ruleset using a Vocabulary template. While that blog post and that pattern is highly useful even to this day, I came across a...

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