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Supporting Healthcare Customers and Protecting Patient Data with HIPAA Compliance

Supporting Healthcare Customers and Protecting Patient Data with HIPAA Compliance

Our daily life is consumed with data. With every action we take, from driving our car, shopping at the store, and using our phone, we create data. This applies to almost every person on earth and across every industry. And for most of us, it is imperative that our...
Exploring the Differences Between Automation Technologies

Exploring the Differences Between Automation Technologies

Today’s tech world is dominated by conversations about automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Working at InRule brings me to an exciting intersection of these technologies. However, when speaking with non-InRulians about our core competencies, I...
InRule for Microsoft Dynamics for Patient Case Management

InRule for Microsoft Dynamics for Patient Case Management

I don’t particularly enjoy going to the doctor. As a healthy individual, I generally find it to be a waste of time and money. Yes, I realize how privileged I am to be able to make that statement. But hear me out. I go to a hospital, which is already on the list...
ETL and Batch Processing using InRule for JavaScript and MongoDB

ETL and Batch Processing using InRule for JavaScript and MongoDB

Many of our clients utilize InRule for data preparation, data cleansing and ETL processing. Recently, we’ve seen a rise in demand in this area so we thought we’d detail how InRule can be used for this scenario. Before we get going, I want to provide a quick overview...
Back to Basics II: What is a Business Rules Management System?

What are Business Rules?

Every time I meet a new person and have the regular get-to-know-you conversation, I get the typical questions: Where are you from? What do you do? Where do you work? What do they do? Now, working for InRule, I face an additional question: what is a business rules...