If you’re like many InRule® customers, your AD&D and DevOps teams are investigating or have already adopted a continuous integration, continuous...
Using User Defined Functions Felicitously
Like many InRule users, my background is in software development. As a result, I often find myself taking whatever means I can to bypass low-code...
Updating Rule Applications in Code using irSDK
Warning: As with the previous posts about Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, this post is intended for a technical/developer audience....
Integrating Rule Apps into your CI/CD Pipeline – Part II
Welcome back! For those of you just joining us, this is part two of a pair of blog posts discussing CI/CD with rule apps – you can find the previous...
Integrating Rule Apps into your CI/CD Pipeline – Part I
Introduction One question that is regularly brought up during customer training sessions is how to integrate Rule Applications into a company’s...
Rule Applications vs Code: Navigating the Shift in Business Logic Implementation
In the evolving landscape of software development and business rules engines, a pivotal debate emerges: rule applications versus traditional coding....
Logging Enhancements – Part One
There's an awkward period in many romantic relationships where a person moves in with another person -- but not completely. They still have their...
InRule Supports .NET Core!
It’s official! InRule’s irServer rules engine now has support for .NET Core! My fellow InRule engineers and I are thrilled to ship it and put it in...
Mastering Localization: Avoiding Translation Pitfalls
The Universal Language of…Soccer? With the World Cup in full swing, we are reminded yet again of the diversity of our planet. Personally, I’m also...
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