Last year, I spoke at Decision Camp about practices that rapidly orient a new team and get them discovering problems in their project--like a...
No Values: Much Ado About Nothing
In computer terms, what is nothing, and why should you care? Even for rule authors with a development background, a quick review of how InRule...
Using User Defined Functions Felicitously
Like many InRule users, my background is in software development. As a result, I often find myself taking whatever means I can to bypass low-code...
Rule Application Patterns: Vocabulary & Independent Rule Sets
A couple years ago I wrote a blog post that highlighted an excellent irAuthor method which adds a member to a collection of messages in a ruleset...
Merging Rules With… Other Rules?
Introducing the irAuthor Merge Extension What is a merge tool? While InRule is designed to empower business users to author their own rules, there...
Binding Data schema for improved Data Model Creation
Your rule application is like your house: both benefit from a strong foundation. For rule applications, the entity structure (also called the...
Naming Patterns
A rose, by any other name, might be a cactus. If you come from a development background, you know that there's an incredible amount of discussion...
Understanding the complexity of testing tools
Testing rules in a rule engine is not quite the same as testing code. Verifying correct behavior and results in simple rule applications can be as...
Solving Strange Challenges Using Blackjack
Blackjack, Twenty-One, Pontoon, Vingt-et-Un: it goes by many names, but the concept remains consistent - get 21 points and beat the dealer. A simple...
Rule Modeling Exercise: Roll Initiative!
Getting started with rule authoring can feel overwhelming at first. To help with this, one of the things I suggest to our users (after they finish...
Patterns & Practices: Current Context and Nested Comparisons
When I first became a rule author, one of the initial challenges I encountered was making nested comparisons that compared one of the fields of one...
Patterns and Practices: Entity Variables and Parameters
Often times when we are authoring our rules, we need a data element somewhere else in our schema or data hierarchy. To review, child entities that...
Ordering the Operations – Execution Patterns in irAuthor®
Beyond the basics of PEMDAS for individual calculations, how does the “order of operations” work in a rule application? Here’s a quick blog post...
Efficiently Iterate Collections with For Each Loops
In a previous post, I reviewed how to solve a common authoring need of iterating a collection, using both the While Loop and Execute Member Rule Set...
Collection Aggregation Patterns: Mastering Nested Functions
About Rule Application Patterns This blog post is the second in a series which highlight common rule authoring patterns of note. The InRule ROAD...
Adding Members to Collections: Rule Application Patterns
Introducing Rule Application Patterns This blog post is the first in a series which will highlight common rule authoring patterns of note. The...
Patterns and Practices: Iterating Collections
While struggling with While Loops…I was Saved by Execute Member Rule Set I have a little bit of experience with programming – enough to be...
Patterns & Practices: Data Validation
Data validation is one of the most common uses of business rules. Data validation rules are usually the first rules written when getting started...
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