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Blog posts tagged:

Decision Platform

Improving Business Decisions for Better Outcomes

Have you ever made a bad business decision? Maybe it was a minor one (signing a two-year contract without shopping for additional bids) or maybe it was one for the history books (filling the Hindenburg with hydrogen instead of helium). Regardless of the magnitude,...

InRule for Microsoft Dynamics for Patient Case Management

I don't particularly enjoy going to the doctor. As a healthy individual, I generally find it to be a waste of time and money. Yes, I realize how privileged I am to be able to make that statement. But hear me out. I go to a hospital, which is already on the list of my...

Using User Defined Functions Felicitously

Like many InRule users, my background is in software development. As a result, I often find myself taking whatever means I can to bypass low-code tools: When I need to make changes to a WordPress website, I inevitably become annoyed at the rich text editor and end up...

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