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Blog posts tagged:

Business Rules

Naming Patterns

A rose, by any other name, might be a cactus. If you come from a development background, you know that there's an incredible amount of discussion about the importance of naming variables. Seriously, Googling "the importance of naming variables" results in 8.1 million...

Understanding the complexity of testing tools

Testing rules in a rule engine is not quite the same as testing code. Verifying correct behavior and results in simple rule applications can be as simple as a quick glance at irVerify and the Rule Engine Feedback tab. But more complicated rule applications take the...

Using Abstraction and Encapsulation to Make Sandwiches Rule!

Encapsulation ( inˌkaps(y)əˈlāSH(ə)n ): a group of related methods, properties, logic, and other members treated as a single object. Abstraction ( abˈstrakSH(ə)n ): the process by which everything other than the relevant data about an object is hidden in order to...

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