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Blog posts tagged:

Decision Platform

Digital Automation: Moving Retail to the Express Aisle

Perhaps no business sector requires smoothly performing more daily functions than retail. Every day, at every location, store chains must manage thousands of products, customer transactions and operational requirements, both in-store and online. As competition grows...

New AI Research Shows Myths that Prevent Companies from Operationalizing AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming every industry. From financial services to manufacturing to media and entertainment, the opportunities for machine learning (ML) and other AI innovations to help businesses grow are tremendous. However, many executives are...

Mortgage Lenders Turn to Automation and AI to Solve the New Challenges of Today’s Hot Housing Market

Mortgage lending is in the midst of a revolution—and it will be fought with machine learning algorithms and decision automation. The housing market is hot right now. Not only are home prices up 20.6% year-over-year, but the average cost-per-home is up 24.8% over the...

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