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Guidelines for Organizing Business Rules

In irAuthor, as with most software with structured logic, when you decide to implement a new application or a new addition to an existing application, you must make several decisions: What will my rules do? What are the intended inputs and outputs of these rules? Are...

ETL and Batch Processing using InRule for JavaScript and MongoDB

Many of our clients utilize InRule for data preparation, data cleansing and ETL processing. Recently, we’ve seen a rise in demand in this area so we thought we’d detail how InRule can be used for this scenario. Before we get going, I want to provide a quick overview...

Binding Data schema for improved Data Model Creation

Your rule application is like your house: both benefit from a strong foundation. For rule applications, the entity structure (also called the schema) is the foundation. The schema is made up of one or more entities. The entities are often related to each other, but...

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