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Salesforce Integration: Bespoke Execution using Lightning, REST, APEX, and JavaScript

In a previous post, we looked at the fantastic integration options that are available out-of-the-box with our Salesforce integration. While the functionality that integration provides will be sufficient for the majority of InRule customers, there are always edge cases...

Extending Salesforce with Native InRule Integration

It’s been over three years since we introduced InRule for Salesforce, and our Salesforce integration is now stronger than ever. If you want a deep dive into the integration, you’re in luck – we just released a webinar that goes into all the juicy details. Want to dive...

Merging Rules With… Other Rules?

Introducing the irAuthor Merge Extension What is a merge tool? While InRule is designed to empower business users to author their own rules, there will inevitably be folks from the IT side of the organization that interact with business rules at some point – be it for...

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