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Improving Business Decisions for Better Outcomes

Have you ever made a bad business decision? Maybe it was a minor one (signing a two-year contract without shopping for additional bids) or maybe it was one for the history books (filling the Hindenburg with hydrogen instead of helium). Regardless of the magnitude,...

What Rules Uncover: Horror Stories From Mistranslated Logic

My job on the ROAD Services Team at InRule involves connecting with a variety of InRule users, evaluating their business requirements, and turning those requirements into functional rules in irAuthor. Over the years, I’ve run across a variety of interesting...

The Transparent APR Calculation

I recently hunkered down to solve the APR calculation. Ever since I started working in the lending industry nearly two decades ago, I wanted to explore it but never had the time. Before I started the work, however, I asked many of our lending customers how they handle...

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