We are always looking for ways we can do better. At InRule, our goal is to make automation accessible. Rule authoring is an iterative process. As we build our business rules, we are always looking for ways to improve not only our accuracy but also the performance of...
Your rule application is like your house: both benefit from a strong foundation. For rule applications, the entity structure (also called the schema) is the foundation. The schema is made up of one or more entities. The entities are often related to each other, but...
Getting started with rule authoring can feel overwhelming at first. To help with this, one of the things I suggest to our users (after they finish Rule Authoring training) is to take a process that they know very well and model it in InRule. So for this blog post, I...
When I first became a rule author, one of the initial challenges I encountered was making nested comparisons that compared one of the fields of one member of a collection against that field for the other members in the collection. To illustrate this, let’s look at the...
Documentation can often be seen as a hassle. From finding time to write new documentation, updating existing or searching for previously generated documentation, its perception as a necessary evil is valid. However, within irAuthor there are several ways to...
Often times when we are authoring our rules, we need a data element somewhere else in our schema or data hierarchy. To review, child entities that possess a one-to-one relationship with its parent entity are directly in the context of its parent. Child collections...
Gain More Flexibility with Collection Functions Often times we run into trouble when using collection functions with vocabulary expressions. Part of the problem is that when we want to use our named placeholders for the criteria of those expressions, we do not have...
Recently we have had multiple requests to create a dynamic and variable execution structure for our rule sets. Often times we have metadata in our systems that determine which rule sets should be executed. One of the benefits to this method is that you can easily...