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Blog posts tagged:

Business Rules

Good Beginnings: Discovering Rule Authors

Over the years I have interviewed many rule authors and found they come in a lot of different packages. I tend to group them into three categories: The Casual Rule Author This is one of my favorites and is the focus of InRule’s Web Authoring initiative. This person...

Good Beginnings: How to Start a Rule Project

Last week a customer expressed several questions about their new project for their business rules engine.  The more we dug into their problems, the more I realized they were suffering from basic yet enduring challenges every new rule project faces.  Essentially, it’s...

Patterns and Practices: Entity Variables and Parameters

Often times when we are authoring our rules, we need a data element somewhere else in our schema or data hierarchy. To review, child entities that possess a one-to-one relationship with its parent entity are directly in the context of its parent. Child collections...

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