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Updating Rule Applications in Code using irSDK

Warning: As with the previous posts about Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, this post is intended for a technical/developer audience. Background A while back, I started a series about CI/CD with a pair of blog posts that walk through examples of ways to...

Give it a REST! Part 2: Retrieving and Using Azure AD OAuth Tokens in a Rule App

In the first part of this two-part series, we created a Rule App that calls out to an irServer REST Rule Execution Service (RES) – if you haven’t already, I’d highly recommend reading through that first. In this part, we’re going to briefly touch on how to configure...

Give it a REST! Part 1: Calling the irServer REST Rule Execution Service from a Rule App

Warning: in the InRule Blog, we have a wide variety of posts - some are targeted towards business users, and others are targeted towards the more technical side of our customer base. This post is the first in a two-part series about interacting with REST endpoints...

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