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Exploring the Differences Between Automation Technologies

Today’s tech world is dominated by conversations about automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Working at InRule brings me to an exciting intersection of these technologies. However, when speaking with non-InRulians about our core competencies, I...

Accelerate Decision DevOps with CI/CD

If you’re like many InRule® customers, your AD&D and DevOps teams are investigating or have already adopted a continuous integration, continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline approach. Moving to CI/CD has several benefits: Code changes are smaller and easier to...

Loading and Using Third Party ADO.NET Data Providers

One of the great things about InRule is that there are numerous spots within the product where you can extend native functionalities to be able to easily support integrating with new things that we haven’t added into the core product (yet). One of those areas is...

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