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Integrating Rule Apps into your CI/CD Pipeline – Part II

Welcome back! For those of you just joining us, this is part two of a pair of blog posts discussing CI/CD with rule apps – you can find the previous post here. Part Two: irCatalog Check-In Triggered, Catalog-Sourced Rule App, Promoting Pipeline Scenario: For this...

Integrating Rule Apps into your CI/CD Pipeline – Part I

Introduction One question that is regularly brought up during customer training sessions is how to integrate Rule Applications into a company’s existing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery or Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. CI/CD has become standard practice...

Good Beginnings: Thinking in Metrics

Every project needs a north star. When we kick off a “Discovery Workshop” the first step is to agree what that star looks like. Getting there takes time. Our process involves taking the project team through critical assumptions—those things that if true, would mean...

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