A Report from Gartner® According to Gartner, “Decision intelligence (DI) platforms combine explicit decision modeling, AI, analytics and related...
IDC Spotlight-Decision Intelligence as the New Killer App
According to research firm IDC, "Decision intelligence is the missing piece of an organization's technology stack, giving users the insights they...
The Total Economic Impact™ of InRule
A recent Forrester Consulting study revealed a customer ROI of 421% and a net present value of $6.03 million over three years for InRule's AI...
The End of AI Ambiguity
Why now is the time to open the black box of automation While AI decision makers are moving forward with AI initiatives, worries of ethical...
Why You’re Wrong About Operationalizing AI
Debunk Common Myths About AI to Turn Insights Into Actions Commonly held myths about implementing AI solutions prevent many organizations from...
Why Artificial Intelligence Isn’t Good Enough
A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Research on behalf of InRule — New research from Forrester* reveals how organizations are...
Step Into the New Era of Digital Decisioning Platforms
A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of InRuleNew research from Forrester* reveals how enterprises currently use...
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