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7 Do’s and Don’ts of Choosing an Automation Solution

Are you embarking on a digital transformation journey toward automation? As you begin the process of identifying and selecting a vendor you'll want to pay attention to several different points of interest. To better help you on your journey, we’ve put together an...

Leading Property Owners Skandia Fastigheter Eliminates Manual Tasks and Takes Ownership of Its Development

About Skandia  Skandia Fastigheter is one of Sweden's leading property owners, hosting buildings for offices, housing, shopping malls, and community properties. Its approximately 200 employees manage over 125 properties or 1.1 million square meters from offices...

InRule® Process Automation

InRule Technology® is an AI decisioning company providing integrated decisioning, machine learning and process automation software to the enterprise. By enabling IT and business leaders to make better decisions faster, operationalize machine learning, and improve...

Learn more about our pricing options here