12/05/2019 – 12/06/2019
InRule is a Bronze sponsor of the Enterprise Architecture for Financial Institutions conference taking place December 5-6, 2019 at the W Hotel Hoboken (NJ).
The event features a deep pool of expert speakers addressing the technology challenges faced by today’s financial services organizations. The speaker lineup includes InRule CEO Rik Chomko on Friday morning (Dec. 6). Attendees of Rik’s presentation, Real-World Decision Automation with AI, will:
- Learn how decision technology combines machine learning and declarative logic, both part of the AI family, to solve business problems
- Discover aspects of decision technology that pave the way for enterprises to proactively assess the effects that changes to digital decisions will have on a business
- Explore ways to overcome limitations, inaccuracy and bias in your data to maximize investments in AI
- Understand how to bring predictive analytics and machine learning into decision management cycles to enhance outcomes and increase ROI