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Reduce Risk.
Close More Business.

From product eligibility and loan origination to compliance and fraud detection, financial services organizations around the world trust InRule’s Business Rules Engine to automate their mission-critical decisions, predictions and processes.

Speed, Accuracy and Agility

Customers have more choices than ever when it comes to selecting a financial services provider. InRule Technology makes it easy to detect, respond to and even take advantage of changing market conditions – enhancing your application investments and accelerating delivery of compelling products and services that build trust with both customers and regulators.

Integrate Everything Enterprise

Modernize legacy systems without excessive cost and complexity. And as events and attitudes evolve, quickly make updates in one place—without having to redeploy the applications that rely on those updates—and rapidly innovate across channels.

Reduce Risk and Improve Transparency

Existing and emerging legislation is pointing toward greater transparency in AI-enabled applications. Maximize explainability and auditability for your mission-critical decisions, predictions, and processes with InRule Technology.

Provide Security and Scalability

Service delivery is SOC 2 Type II or ISO 27001 compliant and done through 24/7 automated monitoring, alerting and response. In addition, InRule Technology is backed up by 24/7 technical support that includes continuous availability of engineering resources.

Enables Consistently Actionable Regulatory Compliance

While achieving regulatory compliance can be complicated and expensive, the non-compliance is nearly three times as costly. Ensure teams provide consistent, compliant information regardless of channel.

Helps Deliver Personalized, Contextually Rich Experiences

72% of customers rate personalization as “highly important” in today’s financial services landscape. Enhance out-of-the-box and legacy applications to build engagement strategies that foster loyalty – without the complexity of platform customizations.

Trusted. Proven. InRule for Financial Services

Financial services organizations across the globe trust InRule to automate their mission-critical decisions, predictions, and processes. From loan origination to credit scoring to fraud prevention and more, financial services companies turn to the InRule® AI Decisioning Platform.

Watch the video on the left to discover how InRule empowers finance organizations to achieve organizational goals, drive revenues and better manage risk and regulations.

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30% of Mortgage Originations in the US are Powered by InRule®

Financial services firms around the world trust InRule to enhance the outcomes of critical processes, including:

  • Product eligibility
  • Loan origination
  • Credit scoring
  • Compliance
  • Fraud and money laundering detection
  • Data cleansing and validation
  • Risk scorecarding

See how quickly PwC transformed their expense and invoice management system with InRule.

PwC Middle East deployed SAP Concur to collect, itemize, invoice and reimburse billable expenses for its traveling workforce in a timely and accurate manner. The team turned to InRule to manage the complex logic associated with reimbursement and VAT rules that varied across 13 countries within the region.

Adding InRule to the PwC expense management technology stack has been an overwhelming success for PwC Middle East. The region now has a seamlessly integrated expense and invoice management system used by 6,000 employees across the region.

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“InRule was a perfect fit for our technology stack, it’s very intuitive and easy to pick up, anyone could author business rules, make changes and understand the rules.”

Luis Agudelo, Director, Digital Architect, PwC 

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Keep Up With the Speed of Business

Respond to and take advantage of changing market conditions and requirements by empowering those who know the business best to manage the automated decisoning that powers it. 

InRule provides flexibility and agility by allowing analysts and subject matter experts to quickly and easily change business rules. InRule is also proven to handle complex logic: InRule-powered systems process millions of transactions with tens of thousands of rules on a daily basis. Last but not least, InRule provides transparency into rules and logic, helping organizations to ensure compliance with the latest requirements and regulations.

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Be the Institution Customers and Regulators Trust

Don’t let bias harm your brand, your business or your customers.

As you deploy AI across your digital customer engagement, the sneaky ways harmful bias can creep into models should be enough to worry anyone – not just those in charge of risk and ethics.

InRule Machine Learning has built-in bias detection features designed to help enterprises quantify and mitigate potential hazards.

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Lead With Frictionless Customer Engagement

From customer onboarding to loan processing and fraud management, eliminate clunky manual steps, build compliant exception handling, and automate repetitive workflows with simple to use, no-code, drag-and-drop tools.

With integrations for DocuSign, Adobe Sign, UiPath, and more, InRule Process Automation enhances customer engagement, reduces risk and empowers teams to spend more time deepening customer relationships rather than focused on repetitive, error-prone manual processes and tasks.

Expedite Changes to Ensure Compliance

Allow subject matter experts to create and manage the rules and processes that power the rating and underwriting process, companies can quickly make changes to logic without involving IT and ensuring compliance. 

Gain Transparency, Create a Single Source of Truth

 Centralize your decision logic, processes and machine learning models in one central repository, organization can stay up to date on the latest change or update ensuring a single source of truth across the company.

Reduce Time to Market

Create and update applications via easy-to-use business rule and process editors, ensuring speed and reducing time to market for new insurance products.

Predict and Explain Insurance Risks Better

 Leverage machine learning models that can identify high-risk profiles, predict optimal products and premiums, and explain the contributing factors. Similarly, identify and predict the likelihood of customer churn for each policyholder.

Integrate with Anything

Make the most of your current technology investments with easy integrations from InRule. Whether it’s your favorite CRM, like Microsoft Dynamics or Salesforce, or a policy management system, InRule offers a wide range of native integrations, API and web service calls.

Financial Services Resources


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