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Solve Technical Challenges
Once and For All

Meet the InRule unique, no-code AI solution – AI decisoning. Our powerful, accessible platform gives your business users the plain-language decision automation tools they need, while saving your IT staff any integration headaches and excessive update burdens they certainly don’t need.

Promote Adoption Through Ease

InRule® integrates with popular systems like Microsoft Dynamics® 365, Salesforce®, UI Path and more. Users can easily access powerful automation tools through their familiar environment.

Get the accessible, no-code automation capabilities you want without having to take on overlapping technologies. Maximize ROI by amplifying your current technology investments and eliminating the hassles of extra training and learning curves.

Technicians working

Connect the Dots. Connect Your Silos.

Your data pool is only as deep as the data you can reach. The InRule® AI Decisioning Platform is designed to modernize legacy systems and integrate with disparate third-party platforms. InRule welcomes all inputs that support better AI predictions, efficiency and outcomes.

Facilitate automation success by connecting siloed data sources. Feed your ML models, business logic and process automations a rich diet of quality information.

Security for Your Automation Data. Peace for Your Mind.

InRule maintains fully managed, multi-factor security both in the cloud and onsite. Our platform is both SOC 2 Type II and HIPAA compliant.

Keep your IT budgets and resources in check, without bearing the expense, effort and liability of building and maintaining security from scratch. Automate with confidence, with your data and sensibilities well protected.


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