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Manage Complex Insurance Logic with InRule

With the power of intelligence automation, InRule users can quickly bring new products to market and easily manage complex logic based on ever-changing regulations to remain compliant and compete within today’s expanding market.

Empower Policy Experts to Automate Rating and Underwriting

The InRule® Intelligence Automation Platform empowers policy experts to create and automate the decision and processes that power your rating and underwriting applications. By allowing policy experts to mange the rules and processes that power your business, the organization moves faster and more efficient, leading to more policies and increase revenue.

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Expedite Changes to Ensure Compliance

Allow subject matter experts to create and manage the rules and processes that power the rating and underwriting process, companies can quickly make changes to logic without involving IT and ensuring compliance.

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Gain Transparency, Create a Single Source of Truth

 Centralize your decision logic, processes, and machine learning models in one central repository, organization can stay up to date on the latest change or update ensuring a single source of truth across the company.

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Reduce Time to Market

 Create and update applications via easy-to-use business rule and process editors, ensuring speed and reducing time to market for new insurance products.

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Predict and Explain Insurance Risks Better

 Leverage machine learning models that can identify high-risk profiles, predict optimal products and premiums, and explain the contributing factors. Similarly, identify and predict the likelihood of customer churn for each policyholder.

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Integrate with Anything

Make the most of your current technology investments, with easy integrations from InRule. Whether it’s your favorite CRM, like Microsoft Dynamics or Salesforce, or a policy management system, InRule offers a wide range of native integrations, API and web service calls.


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